Today was the last day of the Easter break, and I was determined to squeeze in a ski tour before packing the car for the journey home. It had been snowing for a whole day, but now the sun was shining brightly, so I strapped on my skins and started making my way up Englandsbacken.

It was late in the afternoon, and the snow was beginning to soften on the slopes. I was concerned that it might get too soft and heavy higher up on the mountain.


To my surprise, the snow was absolutely perfect and dry when I reached the plateau. Fresh ski tracks dotted the landscape, but there was still plenty of untouched snow left for me to enjoy. I continued making my way upward, passing the occasional skier heading down, but for the most part, I had the entire place to myself.


I’ve skied up Mullfjället once before, but I didn’t make it very far that time. This time, my goal was to reach the hut at the top. Unfortunately, the pain from my blisters became unbearable, and I had to turn back. Despite using sports tape, I had developed some serious blisters on my heels.

The descent was absolutely incredible. Sure, Mullfjället isn’t the steepest, but the snow was perfect! It was a bit disappointing not to reach the top, but the final stretch is quite flat, so it didn’t really affect the quality of the skiing.


Efteråt har jag gjort lite efterforskningar på hur jag komma runt problemet med skoskav, och tydligen är det många som fettar in fötterna rejält med en fotsalva innan och tar sedan en tunn nylonstrumpa över som minskar friktionen, och sedan en lite tjockare skidstrumpa över. Sen är det viktigt att spänna spännet över vristen relativt hårt, så att hälen trycks bakåt. Övriga spännen kan vara lösare. Ser fram emot nya äventyr och få testa detta!


