After last year’s successful hikes over the Pentecost weekend in Åre, we couldn’t resist returning this year. With Sweden’s National Day on Tuesday, we took Monday off, giving us three days of hiking. This time, David could join us, which was a great addition! Unfortunately, Petter couldn’t start with us, so he took the night train and met us on Sunday morning.
We arrived in Åre late on Friday evening, so we decided to take a shorter hike on the first day. We chose to hike Middagsvalen (trail 286) near Vallbo, just south of Åre.
The trail started through spruce forest, and after a few kilometers, it quickly became steep. Despite it being early in the season, the conditions were dry and perfect. Once we reached over the treeline, we took a short break to admire the view. The atmosphere was great, and spirits were high.
As we neared the summit, the wind picked up significantly, and it became quite cold. The top itself wasn't particularly remarkable, as it was dominated by a large radio mast with concrete foundations and cables crisscrossing in every direction. With the wind howling, we decided to hold off on lunch and wait until we were further down in the shelter of the mountainside.
A bit cold, we continued on, and soon the mighty Lunndörrs pass came into view to the south—a hike that’s been on our bucket list for a long time. Perhaps we’ll make it there next year?
As we enjoyed our sandwiches, a couple of majestic reindeer passed by. We also spotted a white reindeer, which, according to the Sámi, is a symbol of good luck.
The rest of the trail was easy, mostly winding through spruce forest. It was a lovely little hike that I can highly recommend.